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Тайна загадочной лестницы [with w_cat] - Кэролайн Кин

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[1222] "And you'll swear to that?" the lawyer asked, turning to Willie.

[1223] "I sure will. I don't want anything more to do with this underhanded business," Willie Wharton declared.

[1224] "I know where I can find a notary public right away," Nancy spoke up, "Do you want me to phone him, Mr. Barradale?" she asked.

[1225] "Please do. At once."

[1226] Nancy dashed to the telephone and dialed the number of Albert Watson on Tuttle Road. When he answered, she told him the urgency of the situation and he promised to come over at once. Mr. Watson arrived within five minutes, with his notary equipment. Mr. Barradale showed him the contract of sale containing Willie Wharton's name and signature. Attached to it was the certificate of acknowledgment.

[1227] Mr. Watson asked Willie Wharton to raise his right hand and swear that he was the person named in the contract of sale. After this was done, the notary public filled in the proper places on the certificate, signed it, stamped the paper, and affixed his seal.

[1228] "Well, this is really a wonderful job, Miss Drew," Mr. Barradale praised her.

[1229] Nancy smiled, but her happiness at having accomplished a task for her father was dampened by the fact that she still did not know where he was. Mr. Barradale and Willie Wharton also were extremely concerned.

[1230] "I'm going to call Captain Rossland and ask him to send some policemen out here at once," Nancy stated. "What better place for Mr. Comber to hide my father than somewhere along that passageway? How far does it go, Mr. Wharton?"

[1231] "Mr. Comber says it goes all the way to the river, but the end of it is completely stoned up now. I never went any farther than the stairways."

[1232] The young lawyer thought Nancy's idea a good one, because if Nathan Comber should return to Riverview Manor and find that Willie was gone, he would try to escape.

[1233] The police promised to come at once. Nancy had just finished talking with Captain Rossland when Helen Corning called from the second floor, "Nancy, can you come up here? Miss Flora insists upon seeing the hidden staircase."

[1234] The young sleuth decided that she would just about have time to do this before the arrival of the police. Excusing herself to Mr. Barradale, she ran up the stairs. Aunt Rosemary had put on A rose-colored dressing gown while attending her mother. To Nancy's amazement, Mrs. Turnbull was fully dressed and wore a white blouse with a high collar and a black skirt.

[1235] Nancy and Helen led the way to the attic. There, the girl detective, crouching on her knees, opened the secret door.

[1236] "And all these years I never knew it was here!" Miss Flora exclaimed.

[1237] "And I doubt that my father did or he would have mentioned it," Aunt Rosemary added.

[1238] Nancy closed the secret door and they all went downstairs. She could hear the front-door bell ringing and assumed that it was the police. She and Helen hurried below. Captain Rossland and another officer stood there. They said other men had surrounded Riverview Manor, hoping to catch Nathan Comber if he did arrive there.

[1239] With Willie Wharton leading the way, the girls, Mr. Barradale, and the police trooped to the attic and went down the hidden staircase to the dank passageway below.

[1240] "I have a hunch from reading about old passageways that there may be one or more rooms off this tunnel," Nancy told Captain Rossland.

[1241] There were so many powerful flashlights in play now that the place was almost as bright as daylight. As the group moved along, they suddenly came to a short stairway. Willie Wharton explained that this led to an opening back of the sofa in the parlor. There was still another stone stairway which went up to Miss Flora's bedroom with an opening alongside the fireplace.

[1242] The searchers went on. Nancy, who was ahead of the others, discovered a padlocked iron door in the wall. Was it a dungeon? She had heard of such places being used for prisoners in Colonial times.

[1243] By this time Captain Rossland had caught up to her. "Do you think your father may be in there?" he asked.

[1244] "I'm terribly afraid so," said Nancy, shivering at the thought of what she might find.

[1245] The officer found that the lock was very rusty. Pulling from his pocket a penknife with various tool attachments, he soon had the door unlocked and flung it wide. He beamed his light into the blackness beyond. It was indeed a room without windows.

[1246] Suddenly Nancy cried out, "Dad!" and sprang ahead.

[1247] Lying on blankets on the floor, and covered with others, was Mr. Drew. He was murmuring faintly.

[1248] "He's alive!" Nancy exclaimed, kneeling down to pat his face and kiss him.

[1249] "He's been drugged," Captain Rossland observed. "I'd say Nathan Comber has been giving your father just enough food to keep him alive and mixing sleeping powders in with it."

[1250] From his trousers pocket the officer brought out a small vial of restorative and held it to Mr. Drew's nose. In a few moments the lawyer shook his head, and a few seconds later, opened his eyes.

[1251] "Keep talking to your dad," the captain ordered Nancy.

[1252] "Dad! Wake up! You're all right! We've rescued you!"

[1253] Within a very short time Mr. Drew realized that his daughter was kneeling beside him. Reaching out his arms from beneath the blankets, he tried to hug her.

[1254] "We'll take him upstairs," said Captain Rossland. "Willie, open that secret entrance to the parlor."

[1255] "Glad to be of help." Wharton hurried ahead and up the short flight of steps.

[1256] In the meantime, the other three men lifted Mr. Drew and carried him along the passageway. By the tune they reached the stairway, Willie Wharton had opened the secret door behind the sofa in the parlor. Mr. Drew was placed on the couch. He blinked, looked around, and then said in astonishment:

[1257] "Willie Wharton! How did you get here? Nancy, tell me the whole story."

[1258] The lawyer's robust health and sturdy constitution had stood him in good stead. He recovered with amazing rapidity from his ordeal and listened in rapt attention as one after another of those in the room related the events of the past few days.

[1259] As the story ended, there was a knock on the front door and another police officer was admitted. He had come to report to Captain Rossland that not only had Nathan Comber been captured outside of Riverview Manor, and all the loot recovered, but also that the final member of the group who had abducted Mr. Drew had been taken into custody. Comber had admitted everything, even to having attempted to injure Nancy and her father with the truck at the River Heights' bridge project. He had tried to frighten Miss Flora into selling Twin Elms because he had planned to start a housing project on the two Turn-bull properties.

[1260] "It's a real victory for you!" Nancy's father praised his daughter proudly.

[1261] The young sleuth smiled. Although she was glad it was all over, she could not help but look forward to another mystery to solve. One soon came her way when, quite accidentally, she found herself involved in The Bungalow Mystery.

[1262] Miss Flora and Aunt Rosemary had come downstairs to meet Mr. Drew. While they were talking to him, the police officer left, taking Willie Wharton with him as a prisoner. Mr. Barradale also said good-by. Nancy and Helen slipped out of the room and went to the kitchen.

[1263] "We'll prepare a super-duper lunch to celebrate this occasion!" said Helen happily.

[1264] "And we can make all the plans we want," Nancy replied with a grin. "There won't be anyone at the listening post!"

English source.


Старинная литература


Carolyn Keene

Book title: The Hidden Staircase


sequence name="Nancy Drew Mystery Stories" number="2"

Русский источник.


Детские остросюжетные


Кэролайн Кин

Book title: Тайна загадочной лестницы

sequence name="Нэнси Дру" number="0"



Кэролайн КИН

Тайна загадочной лестницы




Телефон, стоявший в прихожей, зазвонил. Нэнси Дру взбежала по ступенькам крыльца, а оттуда кинулась в прихожую, по дороге стаскивая с рук садовые перчатки.

— Алло! — крикнула она, сняв трубку.


— Нэнси, привет! Это Эллен. — Хотя Эллен Корнинг была почти на три года старше Нэнси, между девушками установилась тесная дружба.


— Ты сейчас ни над каким делом не работаешь? — спросила Эллен.


— Нет. А что случилось? Опять какая-нибудь загадочная история?


— Да. Дом, посещаемый призраками.


Нэнси уселась в кресло, стоявшее возле телефонного аппарата.

— Расскажи поподробнее! — возбуждённо попросила восемнадцатилетняя сыщица.


— Я тебе рассказывала о моей тёте Розмари, — начала Эллен. — С тех пор как она овдовела, она живёт со своей матерью в «Двух вязах», старинном семейном особняке в Клифвуде. Так вот, вчера я была у них, и они мне сообщили, что в последнее время там происходят всевозможные таинственные явления, Я рассказала им, как ты здорово распутываешь всяческие загадки, и они бы очень хотели, чтобы ты приехала к ним домой и помогла им. — Задохнувшись от длинной тирады, Эллен умолкла.


— Звучит весьма интригующе, — ответила Нэнси, у которой глаза так и плясали.


— Если ты не занята, мы бы с тётей Розмари заехали к тебе примерно через час и потолковали бы насчёт призрака.


— Приезжайте как можно скорее!


Положив трубку, Нэнси несколько минут сидела, погрузившись в задумчивость. С тех пор как она разрешила последнюю свою тайну, ей ужасно хотелось поработать ещё над каким-нибудь делом. И вот случай представился!


Из состояния мечтательной задумчивости её вывел звонок в дверь. В прихожую тут же спустилась сверху домоправительница семейства Дру, Ханна Груин.


— Я открою! — крикнула она.


Миссис Груин поселилась у них, когда Нэнси было всего три годика. Её мама, миссис Дру, скончалась, и Ханна стала для Нэнси чем-то вроде второй матери. Они были крепко привязаны друг к другу, и Нэнси поверяла домоправительнице, всегда прекрасно её понимавшей, все свои секреты.


Миссис Груин открыла дверь, и в прихожую стремительно шагнул какой-то мужчина. Он был маленького роста, худой, сутуловатый. По мнению Нэнси, лет ему было около сорока.


— Мистер Дру дома? — бесцеремонно спросил он. — Моя фамилия — Гомбер, Натан Гомбер.


— Нет, в данный момент он отсутствует, — ответила домоправительница.


Глядя через плечо Ханны Груин, посетитель уставился на Нэнси.

— Вы — Нэнси Дру?


— Да. Чем могу служить?


Бегающие глазки мужчины останавливались то на Нэнси, то на Ханне.

— Я пришёл исключительно по своей сердечной доброте — предупредить вас и вашего отца, — торжественным тоном произнёс он.

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